Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Paperwork in spring

Tha lantana is flowering despite the lack of care we have given it. We have a white and a pink in the same pot, hanging from the wall.


The lantana is being visited frequently by butterflies. Does anybody know what this type of butterfly is called?


Yesterday, after I'd taken this picture, another butterfly appeared and the two of them flew up into the blue, blue sky, dancing around each other in the air.

We are having gorgeous weather for the week of public holidays. It rained once, but since then it has been wonderful. I wish I'd done all my paperwork on the rainy day, but I didn't. I am trying to finish it today so I can have tomorrow off, but every five minutes I just have to go outside and see what's happening in the garden.

We have a magical frog, which has the power to baffle my camera. I took five photos of it, and all of them are green blurs. I guess that's what happens when a little green frog sits in a sea of green leaves which are moving in the breeze. Nothing will focus. When I asked it to move, it jumped and vanished completely. A miracle!

Perhaps I'll try again later. In the meantime, back to the paperwork.


tinyhands said...

My guess-
Papilio xuthus
English name: Japanese swallowtail
(aka Citrus or Asian swallowtail)
Japanese name: Ageha

What do I win?

Badaunt said...

I think you are right. I found it here.

You win a big sloppy kiss. *Mmwa!*

kenju said...

I was going to say swallowtail too.
I saw your comment about back and leg pain at Jen's. You have sciatica and I know because it plagues me too. You are right about exercise helping it, especially for the stomach muscles.

tinyhands said...

The very site I used. :D

But sloppy? You know I don't like anything sloppy ;)

Anonymous said...

I love watching butterflies and frogs! We have a resident toad who likes to hang out in my strawberry patch. After my fountain is installed, I hope to see him and his friends in there instead!