Today I washed the sheets and took them to the laundrette to dry. While I was waiting, I went to a coffee shop, and on my way to the coffee shop I stopped in at a little store that has very, very cheap things. I bought some socks (¥80) and a t-shirt.
I didn't really need the t-shirt, but it cost less than the coffee did, and anyway, who could resist?
Also, it is true. I AM a sensitve decanter.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Sensitve decanter
Posted by
5:33 pm
Just love it. Great Engrish t-shirts are getting harder and harder to find these days.
I'm looking at it. I'm reading it. I'm puzzling over it. I can see how you couldn't resist it. What the heck were they thinking?
Melanie: They had quite a crop there today. There was one about camels, but I worried that it was too rude. It didn't actually use any rude words, but I worried anyway. I can't remember exactly how it went. Something like "I'M A CAMEL VILDER! I VILD CAMELS!" (I've forgotten the nonsensical word they used.) I didn't want a rude one, in case the shirt is too small and I end up sending it to my niece.
'Prostiony' is a good one, isn't it?
Carrie: They were probably thinking the sorts of things I think when I try to read Japanese. "Here's that one that looks like a fork sitting sideways, and here's the little house with the funny roof, and here's the guy with the broken leg and his arms out ..." I suspect the letters are just shapes to them, and I sympathize.
I also laugh. Sometimes, in fact, I am convuled. :-)
Oh. Er. Hmm...
What's it called when someone can't stop thinking about something... what's the word... ah!
That's what would happen to me if I owned this shirt. I'd not be able to stop staring at it, trying to "understand" it.
My weblog would surely languish.
love the engrish. it was everywhere when i was in korea.
this doesn't really qualify as engrish but i saw a japanese girl once where a tshirt that said "spank me." even though it did sound right i personally considered it engrish since no one in their right mind would wear that back home and live.
You mean it isn't deliberate? What on earth where they trying to say?
Oh dear, a typo in a comment mocking other people's English. I blush.
It's just the flipside of Westerners and Antipodeans buying things with Japanese, or more probably Chinese, writing on them cos they look pretty...
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