Thursday, April 26, 2007

Emergency lesson plan

This morning there was an earthquake, felt in this area as a 3 on the Shindo scale, but not by me. I was on a train. I started from second period today, not first. A colleague told me, however, that she was on the 10th floor at the time, teaching. She felt it very strongly up there, and got quite frightened.

I will be on the 11th floor of the same building tomorrow morning at that time, with my lone, very difficult student. I am hoping there will be another small earthquake at the same time tomorrow, because if there is I will insist that we evacuate, using the stairs. It will probably take us a good twenty minutes or so to get down (especially if I trip a couple of times, and perhaps have to stop for a rest), and then we will have to wait around a bit to make sure it is safe. Then we can go back to the classroom and finish early because we're too traumatized to study.

That sounds like a lesson plan to me.

(Note that I am hoping for a SMALL earthquake. I do not want a big one, especially not while I'm up there.)


Anonymous said...

R. 5.1 epicentre Shikoku, 45Km down. Big enough to put my own earthquake nerves right on edge...

kenju said...

The only time I ever felt one was in Costa Rica, in 2002 (I think). I was on the top floor (4th) of a hotel, and the bed started shaking so badly it appeared to be walking across the room. I thought it was windy, but the trees were standing still - so that's when it hit me that it was a quake. I hope I never feel one again! (Or you either)!

M. said...

bah, i didn't feel that one. oh well. as for the lesson plan, its quite nifty! ;-)

Melanie Gray Augustin said...

Sounds like a good lesson plan - well thought out, well timed! Good luck.

Pkchukiss said...

Love that lesson plan - sounds like something I would secretly plan and hope would happen back when I was younger, and didn't do my homework!