Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Knights of passion

I was marking tests today. A lot of the test was dictation, and I was not too fussy about spelling as long as it was close, as the point of the dictations I did during semester was to develop listening skills rather than writing. One misspelling pulled me up short, though, mostly because of the image that popped into my head. It was a dialogue that came from the unit in the textbook about booking a hotel, and my student had written this:

I'd like a room for two knights.

(I wanted to illustrate this blog post, but I'll need a lot more practice before I can draw a knight.)


kenju said...

I picture them on horseback, with jousting sticks and armor!

Keera Ann Fox said...

Or it's two of the Monty Python gang. ;-)

Kadhine said...

The Monty Python gang for sure Keera!!

Anonymous said...

Back to NZ for a moment: staying in a cabin overnight in Upper Hutt above Wellington, the two cabins next to ours were occupied by - yep, two knights, and their ladies, medievally attired. Full amour & rough weave.

I'm not making this up, though it must sound like so - it was a medieval archery convention. Thus indeed they could have reserved their accommodation by saying they'd like two cabins for ... 2 knights! Would have had Eric Idle's shrubbery in a complete knot, that lot!

Violet said...

I have an image of 2 strapping young men sharing a double room...not as sexy as if the room were for 2 knights AND the person making the booking...

Pookie65 said...

If the two knights were Orlando Bloom and Marton Csokas, they could have a room in my Inn any time they like ;-)